Z campaign – episode 3

This is the third game of my solo Zombie campaign. The rules played are All things Zombie. This is two years after the first outbreak. Human groups are trying to survive.

The first two games can be found here and here, but only in French. They did not go too well. In fact, Nick is the only survivor, and he is not even part of the orginal group (Geena’s group). He was lost by his military companions and found by Geena in episode 1, before Geena’s group was slaughtered in episode 2.

Episode 3 is time to start a new group.

Nick is hiding alone in the late Geena’s group refuge, but has been a little too noisy a few days ago and a host of zombies are now besieging him. There is no way he can escape. Nick is only Rep 3.

But the agitation has brought a new group’s attention. They decide to come to the rescue. Here are the heroes.

In front, Don, star, leader, Stone Cold, carrying the mystery case. Behind, from left to right, Chuck, Rep 5, Runt, Frankie, Rep 3, Wuss, and Vicky, Rep 5, Poser. I was very lucky with this group. Three Rep 5 guys !

The group deploys. Vicky climbs on the trailer roof (unopposed task). She will have to cover her friends from here.

First turn : the group fires at will (except Frankie who was forbidden to fire by Don). 6 zombies hit ground.

New zombies have been attracted by gunfire. Vicky spots two and puts them down (Only by reaction – the group doesn’t activate for two turns).

From his balcony, Nick the fool also fires a full clip but misses everything. Not only has he wasted a clip but the noise has attracted a new monster. It will not be the last !

On the right, Frankie is charged from behind by an unspotted zed. He is totally surprised and the monster puts him down, trying to eat a chunk of him. (He completely fumbled his suprise check).

Don reacts too late to save his friend (the Z win the activation next turn). He goes behind the zombie and despatches it together with his former friend. (Rep 3 are really short lived in ATZ).

Meanwhile, Chuck unloads his two shotgun barrels again in the zed group, but is attacked by a zombie. He pushes it to the ground with his axe but misses the skull. Another one pops up right behind, the first one gets up again. both charge.

Chuck panicks (double 6 !) and runs away, fast moving and leaving the area before Don has a chance to convince him to stay.

But all in all things are not going so bad. Don finishes cleaning up the courtyard. Even Nick succeeds in putting some monsters down.

Now Nick can put the ladder on, climb down and start to run.

Don is everywhere.

Zombie numbers are starting to decrease. Instead of saving Nick, the objective is now to secure the area and explore the buildings.

The sniper on a commanding place is invaluable, but sometimes this is not enough.

Charged from behind Nick (who had not been activated for several turns) sees the danger in time but runs away in panick.

At last the last Zed is down. 41 have been dispatched in total !

There are two fighters left. Just enough time to explore the buildings before trying to keep up with Chuck and Nick.

I ruled that the area being the refuge of a group, all buildings would be empty except for the refuge who would have +1 for everything.

They find a pistol and a car in working order.

They also pick up Frankie’s Assault Rifle and clips.

And the team finds Chuck and Nick afterwards ! Time to take a group photo with the new car !

I am very happy. This is my first game of ATZ, solo or multi player that went well !!!

3 Responses to “Z campaign – episode 3”

  1. 1 sebastosfig May 26, 2008 at 5:43 pm

    At last some survivors.
    Seems to me it was GG

  2. 2 walktapus May 26, 2008 at 7:32 pm

    GG ? What does that mean ?

  3. 3 sebastosfig May 27, 2008 at 10:44 am

    “Good Game”
    Sorry, I’ve spent too much time playing online games ^^

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