Welcome to ze psilete

I am a miniature wargamer from Paris, interested in plenty of crazy and less crazy stuff, from Cavewomen to Zombies.

I post on my primary blog on a regular basis. It is written in French and is dedicated to my friends and the french-reading gaming community. Here is the link : http://psilete.canalblog.com/

But sometimes I feel like I could show some of my stuff to a broader audience. This is why I set up this blog. Putting things into the English language so that I can share them with people from some of the various mailing-lists or forums I am a member of. It will hopefully be updated with the most remarkable stuff I put on my regular blog.

Now I should just start posting…


4 Responses to “Welcome to ze psilete”

  1. 3 Guy de la Horde d'Or 92600 Asnières May 21, 2008 at 6:43 am


    Tu est vraiment multi-plateforme.

    a bientôt

  2. 4 walktapus May 25, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    Yes Guy. Ze psilete is everywhere 🙂

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